Der EU-Pflanzenpass: Ein Garant für gesunde Pflanzen in Deinem Zuhause

Frequently asked questions/FAQ

The EU Plant Passport is a document that certifies the phytosanitary safety of plants and plant products traded within the European Union. It serves for traceability and aims to prevent the spread of pests and diseases.

The plant passport was introduced to protect plant health within the EU and prevent the spread of harmful organisms across national borders. It enables quick traceability and containment in case of pest infestation.

No, not every plant requires a plant passport. The obligation applies to all plants intended for planting and certain seeds traded within the EU, but not for direct sales to consumers, except in online trade and distance selling.

The plant passport may be attached directly to the plant, the plant pot, or the packaging. For online purchases or distance selling, it can also be included with the delivery documents.

Every plant passport contains an EU flag, the designation “Plant Passport,” the botanical name of the plant (A), the registration number of the operation (B), a traceability code (C), and the country of origin of the plant (D). These details help to precisely identify the plant and trace its journey.

If you suspect that a plant, which should require a plant passport, does not have one, you should address the seller. It could be an oversight or indicate a problem with the plant health.

For private border crossings within the EU, it is usually no problem to take plants without a plant passport, as long as they are intended for personal use. However, special regulations may apply for certain plant species or quantities and for travel to or from specific areas.

The monitoring and control of the plant passport system are the responsibility of the national plant protection organizations in the respective EU member states. They conduct regular inspections at operations authorized to issue plant passports.

If a pest posing a risk to plant health is discovered on a plant, the plant passport allows for quick traceability back to the originating operation. The affected operation can then take appropriate measures to prevent the spread.

By preventing the spread of harmful organisms, the plant passport contributes to the protection of native plant species and ecosystems. Healthy plants promote biodiversity and support ecosystem functions, such as pollination and habitat maintenance.