The genus, which belongs to the grass-tree family (Xanthorrhoeaceae), includes 17 species native to the southern and western parts of South Africa. In most Gasteria, the leaves, which are green and usually spotted white and are similar to long tongues, are arranged in two rows, but rosettes can also be found.
The pale pink to brick-red, tubular flowers hang from the upright inflorescence.
A bright to semi-shaded location is ideal for Gasteria, as they tolerate less light than most other succulents.
As substrate a mixture of cactus and succulent soil and mineral parts is suitable.
The substrate should dry out between waterings, excess water should be able to drain off well.
You can fertilize about once a month, i.e. about every four weeks.
In summer, the succulents can be placed outside after they have gradually become acclimatized to direct sunlight. They should be brought back into the house at temperatures below 10°C.
For hibernation you should choose a cooler, around 8°C cooler and brighter location. Fertilization is not necessary and watering is almost completely stopped.
Gasteria is generally not poisonous, but no guarantee can be given for compatibility with animals.