
Haworthia is a genus in the grass tree family (Xanthorrhoeaceae) and belongs to the subfamily of the asphodel plants (Asphodeloideae). The approximately 60 known species and over 100 varieties are native to South Africa and Namibia and their leaves, on which so-called "pearl nipples" are often found, are arranged in a rosette-like pattern.
The inflorescence develops from the centre of the rosette, where the many small flowers are located, which are whitish to pink in colour and tube-shaped.


A bright, partly sunny location is ideal for Haworthias.

A mixture of cactus and succulent soil and mineral parts is suitable as substrate.

Like other succulents, Haworthias are only watered again when the substrate has dried out, as this prevents waterlogging, which can lead to root rot. Excess water should be able to drain off well.

Fertilization can be done about once a month, i.e. about every four weeks.

In summer, Haworthias can be placed outside in a bright to semi-shady place. However, they should be brought back into the house at temperatures below 10°C.
In winter the temperature should not fall below 8°C. No more fertilization and little or no watering.

Haworthia is generally not poisonous, but no guarantee can be given for its compatibility with animals.

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